

Ethos is an appeal to the voluntary authority of the presenter.

Philosophy transcends individuality.

Intellectual property is a concept worth safeguarding by its creator or gifted to the collective.

Please share my website, podcasts, videos, and ideas within your circle.

All content is downloadable and non-proprietary.

No permissions are required (though attribution is valued).

Let’s keep it respectful!

Please refrain from:

Selling or distributing content as a product.

Compiling content to replicate a similar service.

Manipulating content out of context.

Remember, I don’t believe in the forceful idea of intellectual property.


By the donation model, Dave Wright grants an irrevocable, non-exclusive, global copyright license. You’re free to download, copy, modify, distribute, and use the content for commercial purposes without seeking permission. However, compiling content to create a similar or competing service is not allowed.


The capital here is wisdom.

I share my wisdom, knowledge, and time openly to help you grow personally.

We must pay for what we consume, directly or indirectly.

I invest my capital, add value, and would appreciate a voluntary return.

If my passions have brought value to you, do the noble thing—consider financially supporting my work so I can keep it going.

Financial Donations Here


I’ve deliberately chosen to avoid running advertisements or hosting my materials in a centralized location.

Why no advertising?

Welcome to the rabbit hole!

As we dive into my ideas and the world of philosophy, you’ll uncover the power behind this strategy.

Let’s engrave these principles. ‘Freebies’ online often conceal strings, endangering the truth.

TV, social media, creators—all puppets to advertising that muddies truth.

Direct support? Bam! Advertiser shackles vanish.

You, the architect of the unseen market, seize control.

You escape the trap of becoming a product sold to advertisers.

Why are you allowing others to upload, and profit from your life’s work?

Websites and platforms shift, subject to trends and biases. My focus is on discussing philosophy, not navigating online spaces.

I thrive when engaging in philosophy discussions, not juggling platforms or social media. Enabling others to benefit from my work serves as an incentive for spreading these larger-than-life ideas beyond myself.

In our world, both good and evil coexist. Some may manipulate my work with ill intent, but there are also unsung heroes—spontaneous angels and fellow philosophers—constantly debunking their tactics. Amidst this, the market reveals its inherent beauty.

Why opt for decentralization?

Countless social media platforms, forums, video sites, and podcast players exist—hundreds, even thousands.

Decentralizing my ideas means they symbiotically spread across the vast internet—a truly astounding concept.

In pursuit of truth, their attempts to stop us will fail amidst our widespread presence.