Episode #99 – Veganism a Pro-Life Stance Against Abortion | Ep 99

Recorded December 18, 2023

Warning: A Glimpse into My Thoughts

It’s December 18th, 2023, and as I prepare to drop off Christmas sales at UPS, I felt compelled to share some thoughts. In this episode, I delve into the intersections of veganism, pro-life, and pro-choice ethics. These reflections stem from my journey and philosophical explorations, aiming to challenge conventional labels and encourage critical thinking.

The Birth of a Philosopher

I’m a philosopher due to my deep passion for seeking wisdom and truth. This self-identification reflects my dedication to delving into profound and often contentious subjects. Since 2015, I have adhered to a vegan lifestyle driven by a philosophical commitment to minimizing harm to all living beings. This conviction extends beyond dietary choices to encompass a conscious effort to abstain from products that exploit animals.

The Intersection of Veganism and Societal Labels

It’s fascinating to see that most individuals who embrace a vegan lifestyle tend to align themselves politically with the left. However, I often engage in discussions about veganism with individuals who hold conservative and libertarian views. It’s intriguing to witness the contrarian attitudes displayed by some as they mock veganism to oppose it. This behavior reflects a deeper issue of being swayed by opposing viewpoints rather than engaging in critical thinking. Whether one adheres to or rebels against societal norms, true freedom is found in engaging in thoughtful reasoning and living by moral and principled values.

Veganism: More Than a Dietary Choice

Veganism is a lifestyle and belief system that seeks to minimize harm to animals and lifeforms by avoiding the use of animal products. It involves making thoughtful choices to support local and sustainable farming practices and avoid products that have been tested on animals. Additionally, it extends to being mindful of the impact of driving on small animals and striving to reduce any harm caused.

The Hypocrisy of Pro-Life Omnivores and Pro-Choice Vegans

The contrast between the beliefs of pro-life omnivores and pro-choice vegans is one of the most thought-provoking contradictions that often puzzles me. Pro-life advocates hold human life in high regard but usually overlook the lives of the animals they consume. On the other hand, pro-choice vegans stand up for animal rights but also support a woman’s right to choose, even if it means ending the spark of potential human life. These viewpoints highlight a lack of consistency in valuing all life forms.

The Ecosystem of Our Bodies and the World

Our bodies are complex ecosystems filled with diverse bacteria and microorganisms essential for our health. This perspective can be expanded to see the world as an interconnected ecosystem where every life form is crucial. By valuing the contributions of all organisms, we can build a healthier society. Yet, finding a balance between self-preservation and compassion for all life forms is a significant challenge.

The Importance of Critical Thinking

Developing strong critical thinking skills is essential for successfully navigating the complex ethical challenges we face in our personal and professional lives. We can engage in thoughtful, evidence-based reasoning by rigorously evaluating various concepts and avoiding the pitfalls of knee-jerk opposition. This approach empowers us to establish a solid foundation of principles that inform our actions and decisions, ultimately leading to more ethical and well-informed choices across diverse situations.

A Call for Empathy and Consistency

Considering our convictions is crucial for a coherent belief system. If you advocate for a woman’s right to choose and embrace a vegan lifestyle, ponder why potential life in the womb doesn’t hold the same value as animal life. Similarly, if you oppose abortion but still consume animal products, reflect on why human life takes precedence over other sentient beings. Engaging in this reflective process can lead to a more compassionate and comprehensive outlook on life.

Conclusion: Join the Conversation

These initial thoughts begin a broader discussion about ethics, life, and societal norms. Please watch the full video, where I vent on these topics. Follow me on social media for more thought-provoking content. If you value my work, please donate to support these conversations. Let’s navigate these intricate moral terrains together and work towards a fairer and more compassionate world.

Video chapters:

  • 0:00 – Introduction and Purpose
  • 1:30 – Becoming a Philosopher
  • 3:15 – Veganism Beyond Diet
  • 6:45 – Contrarian Attitudes and Societal Labels
  • 10:20 – The Hypocrisy of Pro-Life Omnivores and Pro-Choice Vegans
  • 13:00 – Understanding Our Bodies as Ecosystems
  • 16:30 – Conclusion and Call to Action

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